EU Programme:

Other EU-Funded Programmes

Beyond its role of Managing authority for the EU JTF programme, EMRA is involved in the monitoring of several other EU programmes.

Following the Partnership Principles within the Partnership Agreement with the European Union, EMRA in its capacity as Managing Authority of an EU funding programme, sits on the Programme Monitoring Committees and/or Steering Committees of the ERDF,  ESF+, EMFAF, AMIF programmes and also on the following INTERREG programmes PEACEPLUS, Atlantic Area and North West Europe.

  • ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), Southern Eastern and Midland programme: EMRA works closely with the Southern Regional Assembly in the preparation and implementation of the Southern, Eastern and Midland ERDF Programme. The ERDF supports balanced regional development by investing in a more competitive, smarter, greener, more resilient Europe and a Europe closer to citizens. EMRA also sit on the ERDF SEM Programme Monitoring Committee. Read more here
  • ESF+ : The ESF+ or European Social Fund Plus is the European Union’s primary instrument for investing in people. Its budget of almost €99.3bn for the period of 2021-27 will help provide a significant contribution to the EU’s employment, social, education and skills policy, including structural reforms in these areas. Read more here.
  • EMFAF: The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund is in place to support the EU common fisheries policy, the EU maritime policy and the EU agenda for international ocean governance. The fund provides support to the development of innovative projects that ensure the sustainable use of aquatic and maritime resources, helping to ensure the availability of food supplies, the competitiveness of the maritime economy and the livelihood of coastal communities. The fund is worth over €6.1bn for the period 2021-2027. Read more here:
  • AMIF: The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) seeks to further enhance national capacities and improve procedures for migration management, while also further building solidarity and more responsibility sharing between member states, especially through emergency assistance and the relocation mechanism. The fund is worth almost €9.9bn for the period 2021-2027. Read more here.


Interreg or European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) funds are operationalised through a series of programmes to help activate cooperation between regions inside and outside of the European Union. These programmes are in place since 1989 and are funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

  • NWE – the Interreg North West Europe Programme focuses on projects involving at least three different countries in the North West area of Europe. Projects can have a wide scope, covering 5 key pillars: Climate and Environment, Energy Transition, Circular Economy, Innovation and Resilience and Inclusive Society. Up to €287m in funding is currently available. Read more here.
  • AA – the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme is an EU transnational cooperation Programme funded by the ERDF. The total Programme Budget is €113 million euro. The Atlantic Area Programme covers the western part of the Atlantic Ocean and includes all regions of Ireland and Portugal, as well as several French and Spanish coastal regions. There are 4 programme priorities ranging from innovation and competitiveness to environment, tourism, and cooperation. Read more here.
  • NPA – The Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme focuses on regions inside the EU Member States of Finland, Ireland, and Sweden, as well as regions outside the EU: such as Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland. Sparse population and extreme peripherality from the economic centres of the EU are defining characteristics of the territory. From 2021 to 2027, the Programme will allocate nearly €47 million to projects and is funded by the ERDF. The programme has three priorities: Strengthening the innovation capacity for communities, climate change adaptation, and strengthening organisational capacity. Read more here.
  • Peace+ – Peace + is the Programme designed to support peace and prosperity across Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland. The programme covers six themes: Building Peaceful and Thriving Communities; Delivering Socio-Economic Regeneration and Transformation; Empowering and Investing in Our Young People; Healthy and Inclusive Communities; Supporting a Sustainable and Better Connected Future; Building and Embedding Partnership and Collaboration. Read more here:
  • Interreg Europe aims to improve regional development policy instruments through exchange of experience, innovative approaches, and capacity building across all 27 EU member states, plus Norway and Switzerland. The objective of Interreg Europe, is to enable public authorities and other relevant organisations to actively learn from the experience of other regions in Europe, to improve local and regional policies. Projects can have a wide scope under 6 themes: A Smarter Europe, A Greener Europe, A more Social Europe, A More Connected Europe, A Europe Closer to Citizens and Better Regional Governance. Some €379 million is currently available. Read more here.
  • ESPON – ESPON is an EU funded programme that bridges research with policies. We provide territorial analyses, data and maps to support EU development policies –and particularly Cohesion Policy- with facts and evidence and to help public authorities to benchmark their region or city, identify new challenges and potentials and shape successful development policies for the future.

Programmes directly managed by the European Commission

The European Union offers a range of thematic funding programmes that are centrally managed by the European Commission and its agencies. These programmes cover topics such as research and innovation, environment and climate change, education and training, and culture.

For an overview of those programmes and how organisations and individuals can take part, please visit:

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