Dublin Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan

Dublin Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan

The Metropolitan Area Spatial Plan (MASP) is an integrated land use and transportation strategy for the Dublin Metropolitan Area and is contained within Chapter 5 of the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Eastern and Midland Region.

The requirement for a MASP to be prepared for Dublin is set out in the National Planning Framework (NPF).

The MASP boundary extends beyond Dublin City and suburbs and includes parts of counties Fingal, Meath, Kildare and Wicklow. There are seven local authorities within the Metropolitan Area in total.

The MASP is aligned with a number of Regional Strategic Outcomes in the RSES which include managing the sustainable and compact growth of Dublin, the regeneration of cities and better use of under-used land, integrated transport and land use and the promotion of Dublin as a global city region.

Figure 5.1 of RSES: MASP Boundary

The MASP sets out the following;

  • A Vision for the future growth of the metropolitan area and key growth enablers, identifying strategic corridors based on their capacity to achieve compact sustainable and sequential growth along key public transport corridors, existing and planned.
  • Large-scale strategic residential, employment and regeneration development opportunities and any infrastructure deficits or constraints that need to be addressed.
  • A sequence of infrastructure priorities to promote greater co-ordination between local authorities, public transport and infrastructure providers for the phased delivery of sites.

The Vision for the MASP region is:

‘Build on our strengths to become a smart, climate resilient and global city region, expanding access to social and economic opportunities and improved housing choice, travel options and quality of life for people who live, work, study in or visit the metropolitan area.’

To achieve this vision, the MASP identifies a number of Guiding Principles for the sustainable development of the Dublin Metropolitan Area:

  • Dublin as a Global Gateway
  • Compact Sustainable Growth and accelerated housing delivery
  • Integrated transport and land use
  • Increased employment density in the right places
  • Alignment of growth with enabling infrastructure
  • Social regeneration
  • Identify future development areas
  • Metropolitan scale amenities
  • Co-ordination and active land management

Figure 5.2 of the RSES: Dublin MASP

Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy 2019-2031 (RSES)

The primary statutory objective of the Strategy is to support implementation of Project Ireland 2040 – which links planning and investment through the National Planning Framework (NPF) and ten- year National Development Plan (NDP) – and the economic and climate policies of the Government by providing a long-term strategic planning and investment framework for the Region.

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